Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First time...

Just finished my 2nd semester of culinary school! And with, for the first time in my life, straight A's. Not so easy to do in the summer when the semester goes by fast and homework is double what's normally assigned for the regular semester. And while taking a nutrition class that seemed like an anatomy and physiology or chemistry class and a baking teacher that gave enormous amounts of busy work defining terms and answering questions that were some what helpful.

Two successful semesters under my belt, 3 more to go!

I've learned quite a bit about baking, more than I probably need. I can say that after this summer session I now have the skills to make excellent flaky pie crusts and flute them very nicely, I have mastered puff pastry, pie fillings, biscuits and rolls. As for breads, I have the basic knowledge, I just need to make them more often to get some practice in. The more you bake the better you get!

As for my nutrition class, lots of information that was interesting but more than likely I WILL forget. and a VERY expensive book that lots of people mentioned they want to borrow but for fear they will never return it, it's going on ebay!

2 weeks off then back to the grind stone!

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