If your going to do a job well, you have to have the right tools. After a semester of using sub-par tools and near misses with dull knives and slippery knife handles, I've now "invested" in GREAT knives. There not new, but they are new to me.
Which leads me to a great tip for buying quality products at half the price. Ebay! I found three of the knives featured in this 9 piece knife set I recently purchased brand new at Sur La Table for $425. I purchased this 9 knife, block holder, steel rod and several different grit sharpening blocks on Ebay for only $435. Yes their used, but with quality knives, unless they are bent or broken, simply re-sharepen and they are like new!
I costed a set like this and it runs well over $1,100 if purchased brand spanking new. I guess knives, like a car, as soon as you take them off the lot, they depreciates significantly. Sadly, most people like shiny new, but used items work just as well depending on what they are and at half the price of new, I'll keep buying "new to me" and save money for other things I may have to buy new.

looks pretty